Chodesh Tov. Happy New Moon!
Also, Ramadan Mubarak.
And I hope that Nowruz was beautiful.
I thought it might be nice to share one more Prompt Journey and make it available to all subscribers before the Maker Mondays Series begins this Monday, March 27th.
If you’d like to join me for just one Maker Monday via Zoom, rather than signing up for the whole series, you can register here.
The Prompt Journeys from Maker Mondays will be available at the Creatives’ Circle subscription level.
While this Prompt Journey differs from Maker Mondays Prompt Journeys in that it is aligned with the energies of the Hebrew Calendar specifically, it is my hope that all people—from all walks of life—will be able to have a meaningful experience engaging with it. May it be fruitful for you. Poetry is for everyone.
Please feel very welcome, encouraged even, to share your resulting creations in the comments. Bear in mind, however, that unlike the Maker Mondays Prompt Journeys, which will be private, this Prompt Journey is public. If you post your work in the comments, it will be available for all to see.
**Please support the artists shared in these Prompt Journeys. Next time you need to buy a gift for someone, consider purchasing a poetry book by a poet whose work moved you, or supporting a musician whose offering resonated within you. And, as always, remember you are also “someone” worthy of gifts.
In this Prompt Journey, we will be inspired by:
Sarah Matthes
Bev Yockelson
Stuart Kestenbaum
And we will receive sonic spaceholding from:
Laura Melnicoff
Carve out some time and space for yourself to embark on this.
Maybe, before beginning, if it is possible for you, it could be nice to take a moment to go outdoors and commune with the Nisan moon.
Create some privacy so you can hear your inner voice, even if it speaks in whispers.
Consider providing yourself with the right tool, or tools, for you. Possibilities include: a favorite journal and pen, an old-school composition book and pencil, a word processing program on your laptop, talk-to-text on your phone (yes, this still counts as writing!), paints, crayons, a frame drum, simply a cozy place to curl up…have available whatever feels playful and easy and supportive for you.
There is no wrong way to explore this.
Once you click “play” on the video, you will receive the prompts both visually and aurally, because we all have differing neurologies, and different ways of best receiving information.
First, the inspiration. Let these poems enter you as if by osmosis.
**If you are reading this on a phone, please turn your phone to landscape mode to preserve the integrity of the poets’ enjambment (line breaks).
If it feels good in your body, you might want to read the poems aloud. Do what works for you.
The Burning Bush is a Blackberry Bush
By Sarah Mathes
I wrote the poem. And then I rewrote it, and made it worse. I thought time would heal it. Time passed. I did research: Exodus, midrash, my mother. I rewrote the poem. I ate fistfuls of soft berries. Navy lips. Purple lips. Juice bursting out of black balloons. I made it worse. The poem knocked around my mind like unlabeled preserves darkening in the fridge. Outside the page: tableaus of simple beauty. Three different trees in one line of sight—plum, pear, palm. Inside: A hand runs under a faucet, the soap stinging invisible cuts to life. Have you seen a blackberry bush at the exact moment of its blushing, when its tight little spheres bleed the green seeds bloody— have you walked by shoeless on the way to the lake, the sun lifting the hairs on your cheek, no matter where you turn, something you love coming after you, the bush burning in the stripped light, unripe, alive, surviving—
The Trans Haggadah Companion
By Bev Yockelson
On this night I remember Nachshon who was not Moses who walked into the Red Sea and called for God to meet him there On this night I am only a body and you are only a body On this night nothing is hidden only the afikomen On this night God was here and I I knew it
Holding the Light
By Stuart Kestenbaum
for Kait Rhoads
Gather up whatever is glittering in the gutter, whatever has tumbled in the waves or fallen in flames out of the sky, for it’s not only our hearts that are broken, but the heart of the world as well. Stitch it back together. Make a place where the day speaks to the night and the earth speaks to the sky. Whether we created God or God created us it all comes down to this: In our imperfect world we are meant to repair and stitch together what beauty there is, stitch it with compassion and wire. See how everything we have made gathers the light inside itself and overflows? A blessing.
And…with deep gratitude to these poets for filling our cups to overflowing…
…and to the moon for renewing—and allowing us to renew—in its cycles…
…(a real dayenu)…
…let yourself be inspired…
…take this journey…
…you have everything you need to do so. Trust the process, be easy with it, go as deep as feels right for you.
Let your unique expression pour forth.
Click “play” on the video below, and take the Prompt Journey with me:
And take all the time you need.
To spend more time with the music you heard from Laura Melnicoff:
3/24/23 12:29 AM
belief, a frame, an apparition;
animated intuition.
a speaking of all and no tongues.
be judicial but don't hold it back.
find the good. the gospel here?
loneliness, an illusion bared.
in leaning back, allowance made.
let love of all of this pervade.
laughter, thus, my only possible response.
a shy turn of my head.
always knew you; never could describe.
a life of many corners
undiscovered, re-recovered.
collect and analyze.
let adjustments come with honesty.
i am me; we are stored in base four.
jump, combine, stir, rattle, launch.
find me here, then know what choice within!
sieze the space-between with unclenched mists.
we're here, but who are these arrived?
"change again," collapse the tides.
numbered mana, count and multiply,
daily done, black or any one.
symbolic and/or digital,
still yours, still liquid.
yes, it's death, but just a moment now.
interstitial intervals or minor cavities.
wake up again; i am presence now.
a blinking moon, a monthly song.
she rests her face on Nyx.
at dawn, rebirth, craters intact.
the dark requests the light.
the sum of all successes and failures.
3/24/23 1:14 AM